FD News

令和4年度人間総合科学学術院・研究科第3回FDプログラムの動画配信について/Information of the 3rd FD Program 2022 (October 26 to November 25) of Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences




日  :令和4年10月26日(水)14:00 ~ 11月25日(金)16:00



趣 旨SDGsやSociety 5.0が目指す社会を実現し、現下のあるいは将来の世界規模課題を解決していくために、これからの大学院教育は、これまで以上に国際性・学際性・専門性をより広範かつ融合的に学び、あらゆる壁を超えて協働し、未来を牽引できる社会変革の担い手を育成する機能や研究力を強化・持続していくことが課題となっている。



◆挨 拶:新井 哲明 人間総合科学学術院長・研究科長



デザインチームリーダー 岡崎 慎治 (人間系・准教授)


マネジメントチームリーダー 小林 麻己人 (医学医療系・准教授)


リエゾンチームリーダー 山本 早里 (芸術系・教授)

ヒューマンバイオロジー学位プログラムリーダー 入江賢児(医学医療系 教授)

ライフイノベーション学位プログラムリーダー  市川創作(生命環境系 教授)

情報学学位プログラムリーダー         宇陀則彦(図書館情報メディア系 教授)


問合せ* 筑波大学人間総合科学学術院・研究科運営担当(電話:029-853-2991/2996

Period:October 26, (Wednesday) 14:00 to Nobember25, (Friday) 16:00

Access method:On-demand delivery via the learning management system (manaba)
           Viewing available anytime
           After viewing, a web-based survey will be conducted.

Theme:Future Graduate School Education Aimed at by the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences

1.Aim and purpose

In order to realize a society that meets the goals of the SDGs and Society 5.0, and to solve global-scale issues, future graduate school education should strengthen research capabilities and functions to foster leaders of social change who can learn in international, interdisciplinary, and specialized settings, work collaboratively across any boundaries and lead the future.

Therefore, to promote and develop a new advanced interdisciplinary education, our graduate school has established a "General Strategy Council" consisting of three teams: "Design," "Management," and "Liaison".

In this 3rd FD program, we will discuss the ideal form and direction of advanced interdisciplinary education that the Graduate School aims at by promoting the roles, functions, and expected results of three teams.

2. Program Contents
Facilitator: Tetsuaki Arai (Executive Dean, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human sciences)


lecture1.  “Design Directions that Graduate School should Aim for   - Initial Survey Report on Degree Programs”

Shinji Okazaki (Associate Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences)


lecture2. “Current Status and Future Plans of the Interdisciplinary Foundation Course and the Competence/Achievement Evaluation, and Pilot Introduction of the Graduate Student Research Database”

Makoto Kobayashi (Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine)


lecture3. “Confirming and Promoting the Diversity of Students and Faculty: International, Interdisciplinary, and Industry-University Collaboration Learned from Case Studies”

Sari Yamamoto (Professor, Faculty of Art and Design)

Kenji Irie, Chair of Doctoral Program in Human Biology

Sosaku Ichikawa, Chair of Master’s/Doctoral Program in life Science Innovation

Norihiko Uda, Chair of Master’s/Doctoral Program in Informatics

Inquiry: Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba

-FD, News

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